Course Details:

Apostolic Implementers 2 - Full Course

Apostles who make things happen - Solomon
7 Lessons - 460 Minutes - Degree: MMin

R1300.00 - $105.00

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Course Description

Amongst the four Apostolic Types, there are two main groups. Firstly there are the apostolic originators, who function as fathers in the Apostolic ministry. Moses and David are this type of apostle.

The second two apostolic types are considered apostolic implementers, because they were given the task of implementing the principles that were laid out by their fathers. So Solomon followed on from David and completed what David started.

This course covers all the functions of the Solomon apostle and shows how this kind of apostle functions in ministry.

Course Contents - Curriculum

The Solomon Apostle

1. The Solomon Apostle

2. The Sword of Solomon

3. The Way of Wisdom

4. The Way of Wealth

5. The Tabernacle of David

6. The Pattern For The Church

7. The Solomon Mandate

R1300.00 - $105.00

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